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Darren Shan


Darren Shan's an ordinary schoolboy, until he and his best friend Steve get tickets to the Cirque Du Freak, a bizarre freak show featuring such arcane performers as Hans Hands, Gertha Teeth, the Wolf Man and Rhamus Twobellies. In the midst of the ghoulish excitement, true terror raises its head when Steve recognises that one of the performers -- Mr Crepsley -- is in fact a vampire!

Steve remains after the show finishes, to confront the vampire -- but his motives are anything but ordinary! In the shadows of a crumbling theatre, a horrified Darren eavesdrops on his friend and the vampire, and is witness to a monstrous, disturbing plea.

Later, in a moment of insane daring, Darren sets out to steal the vampire's magnificent performing tarantula, an act which will have severe, tragic consequences for both Darren and Steve. Their lives will never be the same again ... Edit Text

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Lartin Creepsley


Larten Creepley was born in the city of Dorough London. He was blooded by Seba Nile, the quarters master at Vampire Mountain and became Seba Nile's Vampire assistant for a great many years. After Lartin Creepley finished his training he went though the Vampires right of passage common name "triles of death" , if a vampire fails a triale and lives he is killed in the Death Chamber were he is hung over a pit of stakes by a cage and dropted reptedly till dead. Ther are seven trials you have to pass all seven to live. vampires  tradtionoly  pass the triales every twelve years .The only Vampires that can live after failing the trials are Princes, Princes are the highest ranking officals in the Vampire community but if a Prince fails a triale and lives that Prince usaly kills him self out of sham.  After Lartin Creepley passed all seven of his triales he took still more  chaleging tests to becuame a Vampire Genral and he was just at the point of becuaming a Vampire Prince when all of a sudden Lartin said hed had a nuff of the Vampire community and set off for the Cirque Du Freak were he met the yung Darren Shan and the saga began! P.S. I do not kow how or at what point this happend but Larrt Creepley was also breifly seeing a Vampire woman by the name of Arra Sails 

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Vancha was origenaly  vampineze he and his brother