Want to download some super-snazzy background wallpaper for your computer? Or even a creepily cool screensaver?!?
Well, now, courtesy of my British, Japanese and Taiwanese publishers, you can! Just click on any of the links to the left.
If you want wallpaper, then choose the image you like best and select the resolution underneath. When the picture comes up
in a separate screen, right-click on it, then save it as Wallpaper or Background. Voila!!!! The screensaver involves downloading
and saving to your computer, then unzipping, but it's all fairly straightforward -- just follow the on-screen directions.
let you know here whenever any of Darren Shan's publishers make new downloads available. And I might even be adding
some downloadable stuff of my own later in the year!!! Watch this space ... As well as the Downloads section on the DEMONS
sub-site, for demon-related downloads!!!!!!